
Bring a Friend

So we’ve come to the realization that as new bloggers it’s necessary, according to the blogger society, that we need to explain why we wanted to blog in the first place. Alright kids buckle up and get ready for some cheesy reasons! It all started a long, long time ago… just kidding. Basically, we had the idea to write a book about ourselves. But that didn’t exactly go over as planned, so we stopped doing that. Then one day, it hit us! We couldn’t just deprive the world of our amazing tales, we still had to share our stories somehow. A blog! And so that’s why we did this. Also because Eva found out you could get money from blogging and she’s broke so, yeah! But that’s beside the point. We really just wanted to show the world how being two independent women doesn’t have to be bad or boring. Ladies, you don’t need a man to have an exciting life! Get out there! Do it yourself or take a friend! You’ll be surprised how much fun and adventure you can have with your right-hand woman! ...


So as you know, Haley has been sick for like three weeks. I mean, they didn't really know she was sick until the doc was like; "Yeah she dead bro." But she had been coughing for a long time and everybody thought she was just being weird. Now we really know that she's sick (and possibly dying). But anyways. Since she's been sick I've been like going crazy. Like if she coughed I was either shushing her or cringing. On the outside, I looked like I was messing around and acting like she was Ebola or something. But on the inside, my body was flipping out! Dudes I was like sanitizing my hands like a stinking nurse when you show up with a cold. I wouldn't call myself a germophobe, but I was definitely paranoid when Haley said she had whooping cough.  Which, by the way, I had no idea what a whooping cough was until today. And for the record, Haley, you're not going to die for at least another three months; compliments to Google himself. Luv Ya!  K a...

Travel Obsession

     If you're like me you can't wait to get out of the small town you live and experience some amazing things in completely new places. Eva and I have some pretty crazy plans that I'm sure most people think are very unrealistic but I have faith in our ideas.      Pinterest is like the best thing ever when planning trips. And of course, we must plan ahead to make sure we are super prepared for our life of adventure. We also have to make sure we have the perfect road trip playlist because Eva and I are both music fanatics. Now all we need is the money for said plans... I suppose that's just another thing we'll have to plan along the way.       Write ya later~ Haley 

Potential Quarantine

     So I'm really bored at the moment. I've been sick for like, FOREVER! You can even ask Eva. Anyways, I just found out that I could have whooping cough and I'm seriously so irritated. Apparently, if I do I have to stay inside my house for five whole days! I'll go insane! I mean, even more so than I already am. I cringe just thinking about it. Being stuck in my own thoughts and house, with questionable neighbors...yay.      Anyways, I just wanted to complain a little and also get my first post up because as always my sis is a try hard. Just kidding gurl, you know I love you....most of the time.       Write ya later~ Haley 

Busy Bees

     You know that one friend that’s always busy? Like you have to plan to hang out like three weeks in advance cause the Lord knows she might be busy that weekend? That was always me. Living with an outgoing father and being a party girl myself, I’m always going someplace or partying somewhere. My best friend, Haley (aka the other blogger), had like the most boring life ever. She was always free, anytime, anywhere. Her life consisted of either lounging around her house or complaining about how busy I was.      Until recently.      Haley, my Haley, got a job. A JOB PEOPLE!      So yeah I’m a little shocked. Like this means we have to plan around her work schedule cause she’s a fancy working lady now. GO HALEY YOU INDEPENDENT WORKING WOMAN! I’m sorry guys, that was a lot. I’m just super proud/shook. But it’s fine. I mean, I’m not fine and probably need some mental help because I’m a crazy woman with a drive for adventure b...

Creepy Commercials

     “Focus. Breathe. Relax. Rejuvenate. And just have fun.”      I’m going to tell you all right now that this is probably the creepiest commercial I’ve ever seen in a movie theater. And it doesn’t help that the woman’s voice is like supposed to be soothing but she sounds like a murderer you meet in a sewer. If that makes any sense. But anyway, this isn’t about creepy movie theater commercials, but rather about the two best friends who sat through millions of movies and watched that stupid commercial.      Thus began this blog. About two girls. And their weird and hilarious lives together.