So as you know, Haley has been sick for like three weeks. I mean, they didn't really know she was sick until the doc was like; "Yeah she dead bro." But she had been coughing for a long time and everybody thought she was just being weird. Now we really know that she's sick (and possibly dying).
But anyways. Since she's been sick I've been like going crazy. Like if she coughed I was either shushing her or cringing. On the outside, I looked like I was messing around and acting like she was Ebola or something. But on the inside, my body was flipping out! Dudes I was like sanitizing my hands like a stinking nurse when you show up with a cold. I wouldn't call myself a germophobe, but I was definitely paranoid when Haley said she had whooping cough.
Which, by the way, I had no idea what a whooping cough was until today. And for the record, Haley, you're not going to die for at least another three months; compliments to Google himself. Luv Ya!
K adios my dudes! ~ Eva
How do we know Google is a him?